Friday, January 8, 2010

Soccer time

..or as I like to call it, 45 minutes of running around at top speed so that Byron can expend some of his crazy energy in this horrible Chicago weather. Man, I miss the park.

Byron started his first team sport class today. We signed him up for a 3 yr old soccer class at Brand Park through the Chicago Park District. They really have great classes. We've been in swimming and a playgroup through the Park District before. His first class was at 18 mo. This year I wanted to do something to let him run around and get out of the house, hence, indoor soccer.

The first class was a success. It's crazy though, they don't need the parents to stay. At first, Byron wanted me to stand next to him, but he soon got over that. It took about 30 seconds. There were 2 twin girls there with him. There's supposed to be 5 in the class. He was talking with them and running around with Gil, the coach. I tried to sneak some pictures. I couldn't help myself.He had a great nap afterward, 2 hrs of bliss. Well, 1 hr. Waylon hasn't been napping as long in the afternoons lately. Only 2 more years until he can join in the fun.

1 comment:

  1. Remember your dad used to coach soccer for 5 year olds. You'll have to get Aaron coaching when you get to Savannah. What a lesson in patience one learns working with the little pack of mini-mees!
