Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year!!! I hope all are having a wonderful 2010 so far. We are.

We're back in cold, cold Chicago today. The boys and I got in around 6:30 last night. They both did great on the flight. The nicest stewardess ever gave Byron free cartoons. Waylon slept for the first hour of the flight and then terrorized Byron for the last half. They were both very excited to see dad, as was I.

We just had time for some Thai food before putting the boys to bed. We had a pretty laid back New Year's eve, but it was great.

I'm so excited for this year. It is going to be so exciting. Last night, we were looking through some real estate mags from Savannah. I can't wait to buy our own place. We're looking for something with a big yard, porch, and 4 bedrooms for all our visitors (and kids). We found one that even had the mother in law suite/apartment above the garage! You can check it out here, 27 waite drive.

No resolutions for this year. Well, I have continual resolutions. Here are some of them:

-Keep the house clean (ish)
-Keep/get in shape
-Keep boys from hurting each other/themselves
-Snuggle with boys as much as they'll let me
-Be nice to hubby
-Be nice to myself
-See family lots
-Get outside as much as possible

As you can see, they are never ending. :) I'm sure there's more too, these are just the ones off the top of my head.

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to staying in my new quarters. You may have trouble getting me to leave Georgia and the warm weather. Can Papa Ken come and stay with me in the Mother-In-Law Suite? Mom
