Monday, April 12, 2010


Aaron's back! Yay!!!! He was gone all weekend for a guys weekend skiing (or boarding) in California. I was here with the boys, all alone. By myself. Crying and whimpering.

Just kidding. We kept busy. Here are some snippets from our weekend...

Playin on Maggie's porch
Playin in Maggie's yard

Playin in our yard
Such a smile

...and the Craig's list add our weekend spurned, here. sniff sniff

This Thursday, it's time for me to have my girls weekend. I'll be in CO through Monday morning. I have a ton of respect for single mothers. It is so much more tiring when you're solo. I was exhausted at the end of each day, hence the sparse blogging the past couple days.

(In full disclosure, the pictures from Maggie's are actually from the weekend before. We did the same thing this last Friday except we more slightly more clothing and stayed allllll day.)

1 comment:

  1. hey, call me next time you're flying solo or just bored! 697-7700 : )
