Friday, February 4, 2011

New Toy

Aaron and I actually got a new laptop today! woo hoo!! We have been using a hand me down PC that Pete generously donated for the last year or so after our previous laptop gave up the ghost. We got a Sony VAIO that is just great. It's even pretty to look at. I'm sitting in a chair in our living room while mom holds Edie and blogging right now. Ahhh.

The boys love the webcam ( you can see Nana Renee in the background too)...
Here's one with Edie...

Edie is doing just great. She's eating really well and sleeping well too. I'm not going to tell you how well, I'm afraid of jinxing myself and receiving tons of hate mail from my 3 or 4 readers. Although, I have definitely paid my dues with the 2 boys. They both didn't sleep through the night till around 9 mo. Not to say that Edie is sleeping through the night, she definitely is not. But, it's great. She's been a super easy baby for the whole 10 days of her exsistence so far. I'm just enjoying her so much. She's such a cutie.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I need to figure out if we can web can also. Then we could chat!
